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Outline Agency Gauteng

Nurturing Your Ideal Customer with Effective Digital Marketing Strategies.

What is a Sales funnel?

Creating Content!

Welcome back to our blog series on online marketing! In the previous blog, we discussed the importance of understanding your ideal customer. Now, armed with that knowledge, it’s time to focus on creating content that attracts and engages your target audience.

Read the previous blog: “Online or Digital Marketing – where and how do I start for my business?”

In the world of digital marketing, we use a framework called the marketing funnel. This funnel consists of three key categories: awareness, consideration, and transaction. Each category represents a different stage in the customer’s journey, and it’s essential to create content tailored to each stage.


The first category is awareness. This is where you introduce your brand to your ideal customer. Did you know that up to 70% of the buyer’s decision is made online before engaging with sales? That’s why creating impactful content during the awareness phase is crucial. It’s your opportunity to capture your audience’s attention and make them aware of your brand and offerings.

In the next blog, we’ll dive deep into creating content for the awareness phase, where many businesses often miss the mark. We’ll share effective strategies to ensure your content stands out and resonates with your target audience.

Content Quality!

Remember, creating content for each stage of the marketing funnel is vital. By nurturing your ideal customer through the funnel, you increase the likelihood of them considering and transacting with your business.

Stay tuned for our next blog, where we’ll uncover the secrets to creating compelling content for the awareness stage.


For a comprehensive understanding of our Digital Marketing Solutions and to explore the possibilities of our Creative Digital Marketing Solutions, we encourage you to get in touch with us for more detailed information, personalised guidance, and tailored strategies. Our dedicated team is ready to assist you and provide the expertise you need to propel your business forward in the digital landscape.